Western Distributor: $5 billion new freeway proposed

LATEST: 2.5-kilometre tunnel could be built under Yarraville as part of a new $5 billion freeway connecting the West Gate Freeway to the port, city and City Link.

The state government on Thursday confirmed it is considering a proposal by Transurban to moves trucks off inner-west roads and deliver a second major river crossing.

The plan includes a new tunnel from the West Gate Freeway-Williamstown Road junction through to the Whitehall Street-Somerville Road intersection, an elevated road crossing the Maribyrnong River in the vicinity of Footscray Road, providing enhanced links to the Port of Melbourne’s Swanson Dock precinct, CityLink and the inner city and extra lanes on the West Gate Freeway from the M80 Ring Road.

The ‘Western Distributor’ proposal differs from the previously announced Westgate Distributor and would mean an end to speculation that Yarraville homes would need to be demolished for the project.

Transurban CEO Scott Charlton said the concept for the Western Distributor was submitted to the state government earlier this year under Victoria’s new Market-led Proposals Interim Guideline.

Transurban will now work with government through Stage 3 of the process, which is expected to take up to six months, whilst also commencing discussions with the local community and stakeholders.

“Our proposal minimises impacts on local communities, removes the need to acquire any homes and supports motorists and trucks looking for alternative connections to the city,” he said.

“It is a project that will evolve as we discuss potential transport solutions with the local community and work continues with the state government.”

The proposal would deliver 3500 construction jobs and 4500 indirect jobs and increase the river crossing capacity by 60 per cent.

Transurban predicts The Western Distributor would nearly halve travel times for trips to the city from the M80-West Gate Freeway interchange during the morning peak.

Mr Charlton said the proposal would take up to 50 per cent of trucks off local roads in the inner west.

“This job-creating proposal will boost livability in the inner west, tackle congestions, drive our economy and support one of the country’s fastest growth corridors.”

The Western Distributor proposal is expected to cost between $5 billion and $5.5 billion, with a benefit cost ratio of $1.60.

The proposed funding structure does not require any direct funding from the state, but would include tolls for motorists using the new tunnel and tolls for heavy vehicles using the upgraded West Gate Freeway and new tunnel corridor.

“No state funds are required, freeing up investment for other vital infrastructure projects, including new public transport connections,” Mr Charlton said.

“The proposal also ensures there will be no tolls on the West Gate Bridge.”

Early works could begin this year and  the project would be complete by late 2020.

The proposed funding structure does not require any direct funding from the state, but would include tolls for motorists using the new tunnel and tolls for heavy vehicles using the upgraded West Gate Freeway and new tunnel corridor.

Tolls for cars would be about $3 while trucks would pay about $13.

Daniel Andrews with Transport Minister Jacinta Allan. Photo: Jesse Marlow

Premier Daniel Andrews said the new proposal is being assessed by the Department of Treasury and Finance and reviewed by external consultants.

“Building a direct link to the Port of Melbourne and a tunnel alternative to the West Gate Bridge would cut travel times for workers and businesses across Victoria.”

Treasurer Tim Pallas said the government promised to be open and transparent on all new projects.

“Our rigorous guidelines mean this proposal can be properly and fairly assessed.”

Shadow Treasurer Michael O’Brien questioned why motorists would pay a toll to take the Western Distributor when they can take the West Gate Bridge for free.

“The one project Daniel Andrews did take to the election was the West Gate Distributor. Now he has scrapped it for an alternative at 10 times the cost,” he said.

“The entire budget delivered next week will have a massive asterisk next to it because Daniel Andrews cannot say if this project will go ahead and how much it will cost Victorian taxpayers.”

Martin Wurt, right, pictured with Sam McArthur in Footscray in March last during a mass protest against trucks. Photo: Scott McNaughton

Maribyrnong Truck Action Group secretary Martin Wurt said the ambitious claim for a halving of trucks on inner-west residential roads could only be achieved with enforced truck bans on local streets once the Distributor was in place.

“The issue around a $13 toll for trucks is we already have trucks avoiding the tolls on the Bolte Bridge,” he said.

Mr Wurt said more detail about the proposal is needed, such as whether Transurban is commited to proper filtration of any tunnel beneath Yarraville to protect the community from fine particle emissions.

Western suburbs Greens MP Colleen Hartland said the proposal has been released with scant detail and no community consultation.

“The Greens are calling on the government to make the full business plan available and meaningfully consult with local residents and the local councils before any decisions are made,” she said.

“Whether it’s a tolled tunnel or a tolled freeway through Yarraville, it simply won’t deliver benefits to the community unless there is a ban on freight trucks on local streets.”

Ms Hartland said more information is needed to assess how the proposal might benefit or harm the local community.

“This proposal is massively more expensive and would take longer to build than the Westgate Distributor. I’m not yet convinced it is a better option, particularly when you consider the increased costs to West Gate motorists from tolls and the lack of investment in public transport alternatives.”