50 years of community

WCEC's Dr Mark Brophy, Tracey Osullivan, Amarjeet Brar, Tahlia Kotiau, Anthimos Papadopoulos, Samira Antoun and Lynne Hewet. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 422430_01

Five decades of education, community and support will be celebrated at a special morning tea to mark the 50th anniversary of the Williamstown Community and Education Centre (WCEC).

The event will also feature a short documentary created to mark the milestone.

WCEC chief executive Mark Brophy said the documentary would act as a “time capsule” for the centre.

He said it would feature stories and anecdotes from staff and participants who have engaged with the centre over the past 50 years.

The morning tea will be free and open for everyone in the community to attend.”

It’s about the people, the centre, the community,” Dr Brophy said.

He said the centre has expanded over the past 50 years and now supported three neighbourhood houses – Spotswood, Altona North and Joan Kirner – as well as offering a myriad of classes, workshops and support programs, most recently extending into food relief.

Other program highlights include free morning tea on Wednesdays, a free walking group, a recycling hub and a pantry swap, he said.

The 50th anniversary celebration is on Wednesday, September 4, from 11am, at Joan Kirner House, 14 Thompson Street, Williamstown