A chance to join walking basketball

Warren Roche with his walking basketball team. (Damjan Janevski) 358902_01

Warren Roche is putting a call out to everyone to come join his walking basketball team at the Altona Sports Centre.

The team started in 2019, which Warren said was created as an extra activity for the stadium.

“We had more than 40 participants throughout the year of 2019, and then unfortunately we had to shut down because of COVID,” he said.

The programme was kick started again last year which Warren said numbers are slowly increasing for.

“We currently have 30 people on the list, not everyone shows up every week but when they do everyone does a bit of walking and exercising , stretching and of course we have a game every week.”

Warren said the programme is intended for people 55 years and over, however anyone can join.

“It was created to keep them up, active and moving around, people don’t have to have a basketball background at all,” he said.

“It is just a fun activity and a social gathering for the group, we have a coffee and a chat afterwards.

“We also cater for people with disabilities, as well as people coming back from some sort of injury.”

The feedback Warren has received is always positive, which he said keeps it going.

“A lot of people thoroughly enjoy it, we have had a lot of good reviews from people over the period that we have run it,” he said.

“I encourage people to come down and take a look, there is no pressure on anyone , so just come as see what it’s all about.”

The program runs at the Altona Sports Centre on Fridays during the school term from 9:50-11.00am.

Jennifer Pittorino