A friendly game

Benita Compton 'Bandita' from Asteroids and Catharina Stavridis 'Hell-Cat' from Dinosaurs are the two home teams competing on Saturday. (Damjan Janevski) 344758_03

WestSide Roller Derby is inviting all westies to its home teams game on Saturday, July 8, to give the community a chance to watch them play.

WestSide are a mixed gender roller derby league based in West Footscray, secretary Lucie Bachelot joined two years ago and has loved every minute of it.

“Our club is all about the sport and the community, you can come just to play or you can also come to referee or have another official position.”

WestSide were established in 2010, currently sitting with 50 active members.

They are a roller derby league that draws their membership from diverse communities in the west, encouraging anyone and everyone to come down to the home game and see what the game is all about.

“People can come and see us play and if they like the look of it , they can participate in a trial on Sunday, July 23, we will provide everything,” she said.

“On the big day a raffle has been organised with some prizes , as well as a bake sale in addition to the real roller derby game with all the fun.

Ms Bachelot describes Roller Derby as an extremely inclusive sport, which was her incentive for joining years ago.

“The sport is inclusive in itself, everyone has a role to play in the team, all skills and all body types are an asset to the team, that was an incentive for me when I joined,” she said.

“We have members who are a part of the LGBTQ community, I have made many friends with people of all ages, everyone gets along really well because we all bond over this sport.”

The free game will be held at Whitten Oval Stadium Footscray at 10am.
