A golden win for Team Adrenalin

Team Adrenalin. (Ljubica Vrankovic)_411109_03

For the first time in Australian history, Footscray Acrobatic Club Team Adrenalin has taken home the gold medal in the MAIA International Acrobatics Cup in Portugal.

Head coach Melissa Presti said she and her brothe, co-owner Stephen Santo, couldn’t be more proud of the team.

“This has never happened before for Australia and is a massive achievement,” she said.

With 26 competitors from 23 countries, Ms Presti said everyone was in awe of each other following the win.

“It was fantastic, we are all coming off a big adrenaline rush and high,” she said.

Ms Presti said this was the first time the club had travelled overseas to compete since 2019, leaving at the start of May for two weeks of competition.

“For all of my athletes it was every one of their first international competitions, so they did so well competing in such a high stress environment,“ she said.

“We had seven members from our club who were part of Team Australia , which also had others from other gymnastics teams,” she said.

“They had to get a certain score and follow certain criteria throughout the year to get on the team.”

With ages ranging from 12 to 28, Ms Presti said competitors were divided into three groups of two mixed pairs and one trio.

After competing for four consecutive days, competition ceased resulting with the senior mixed pair coming fifth overall, the junior mixed pair coming fourth overall and the trio winning the entire event.

The team is now gearing up for world championships in September also in Portugal.

Jennifer Pittorino