A new Footscray Park committee


Jennifer Pittorino

Maribyrnong council has adopted the Footscray Park Masterplan Review Advisory Committee Terms of Reference advisory committee, which will support the review of the 2011 Footscray Park Masterplan.

An Expression of Interest process will be undertaken in order to call for and select members for the committee with a further report to be presented to council to recommend the selection of committee members in September 2024.

In the March council meeting, council resolved to establish a Footscray Park Advisory Committee to support the review of the 2011 Masterplan.

Council said the purpose of the Footscray Park Advisory Committee is to provide broad based input into planning and decision making from a range of groups and agencies that are affected by the masterplan.

The Footscray Park Masterplan Review Advisory Committee Terms of Reference has been developed to reflect the committees purpose and membership.

Councillor Anthony Tran said he hopes this will provide councillors present and future with the opportunity to have “robust discussions with the community.”

“We have stakeholders like the ones from Friends of Footscray Park who have raised questions and raised the same questions and queries,” he said.

“Those of you who are part of stakeholder groups, will also be appointed with your nominee representatives.”

Councillor Sarah Carter said this motion comes off the back of several months ago when council looked at the restoration and preservation of the Footscray Park Western Lawn.

“Given the history of the Footscray Park Advisory Committee, our community sought assurances from us that they will be consulted,” she said.

“There was a broad acknowledgement from council that a lot of the repair that needs to be done to the lawn, while maintaining the relationship with the community.”

Cr Carter said this committee will ensure the interests of community stakeholders have a say.

“Part of our considerations going forward is to have a mechanism set up, something that will outlive this term of council,” she said.

“And ensure that those keen interest community stakeholders all have a seat at the table when we are considering any future works at Footscray Park.”