A trashed and forgotten Footscray

Samantha Meredith next to the large amounts of rubbish.(Damjan Janevski) 344363_03

Jennifer Pittorino

Samantha Meredith is a teacher who has lived in the Joseph Street precinct in Footscray for just over a year.

Since then Ms Meredith has been in consistent contact with Maribyrnong council regarding the overlooked state of the area.

“I have contacted council with many issues, some have been regarding the overgrown nature strip, rubbish on the streets, inappropriate littering from the developers, mostly going around in circles a lot of the time.”

The most consistent issue Ms Meredith is facing is the copious amounts of rubbish littering the streets of Footscray, close to the Maribyrnong river.

“I have always had a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of the river, the peaceful walks with my dogs, the enjoyable bike rides and the diverse array of birds that inhabit this ecosystem,” she said.

“It is disheartening to witness the increasing amount of rubbish that litters the Joseph Precinct.

“Plastic packaging, plastic bottles, broken glass, cardboard, polystyrene, metal screws and various other miscellaneous items are scattered throughout the area.”

Ms Meredith said the rubbish has been sitting there since she moved, so long it is now turning to mulch.

“There are now layers of rubbish on top of each other, it’s mulched into the ground if it’s not being blown away into the river,” she said.

“The rubbish is just sitting there, bins are overflowing, rubbish is now all overflowing in the river.

“Council have responded a few times saying they cant access the roads or it is up to the developers to clean.”

While she doesn’t find it pleasant, Ms Meredith is more concerned for the wildlife and environment.

“The Maribyrnong River is home to a variety of animals, as well as the wetlands which many animals access.

“Collectively we need to take responsibility and do something, we just want it cleaned up.”

Maribyrnong council were contacted for comments.