A world of diversity

Jimin (front) and at back are (L-R) Abbas, Nicola, Amelia, Ava, Arden, Batoul, Alice and Faysal. Photo: Damjan Janevski

Sacred Heart Primary School at Newport recently celebrated World Cultural Diversity Day to embrace and celebrate the many cultures of its students and their families.

LOTE teacher Rosaria La Motta said parents and grandparents were invited to the school to share their cultures through song, dance, games, recipes, stories and life experiences.

“We are fortunate to have students from a multitude of cultures including Greek, Italian, Lebanese, Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese, Cantonese, Romanian, Hungarian, Irish, British, Australian, Aboriginal, Filipino, Polish, Scottish, Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Indian, Maltese, South Korean, Macedonian, Canadian, American, Dutch, New Zealanders, African, South African, Welsh, Russian, Portuguese, Austrian and Croatian,” she said.

Pupils dressed in their traditional dress and were involved in a production called

Dancing Around The World with I Can Dance Theatre.

“World Cultural Diversity Day was first organised by the United Nations after the destruction of the Buddha statues of Bamiyan in Afghanistan in 2001,” Ms La Motta said.

“We are teaching our students the importance of respect, valuing each other’s differences and living in harmony together.”