Action plan required for students with asthma


As children return to school for 2025, Asthma Australia is urging parents to update their child’s asthma action plan.

Just like packing a school hat, an action plan is designed to ensure a child’s asthma is well-managed and that teachers, coaches, and caregivers know exactly what to do if a flare-up occurs.

An asthma action plan covers four key areas: instructions for everyday asthma management; steps to take if symptoms worsen; emergency actions if the flare-up becomes serious and instructions for life-threatening asthma attacks.

“Sending your child back to school without an updated written asthma action plan is just like sending them to play in the sun without a hat on. They are exposed,” said Asthma Australia chief executive Kate Miranda.

“It’s one of those small but important steps to keep them protected—whether it’s from the sun’s rays or unexpected asthma flare-ups.”

Ms Miranda said the asthma burden on school children was significant with many having to take days off school or in more serious cases, visit a hospital.

As a result, she said an asthma action plan should be considered an essential item for any returning student with the chronic lung disease.

“So, as you tick off the back-to-school checklist—hats, uniforms, lunchboxes—add an asthma refresh to the mix and book an appointment with your child’s doctor to update their Asthma action plan today.”

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