Lakeside laughter club will crack you up

Carolyn Nicholson who is running a Cherry Laughter Club at Cherry Lake every Saturday. Picture: Damjan Janevski

They say laughter is the best medicine and now people can get their weekly dose in Altona.

Altona’s Carolyn Nicholson has started the Cherry Laughter Club, which meets at Cherry Lake at 10am every Saturday.

“I’ve been doing it for 12 years,” she said.

“I’ve been in India and done it with the founder, Dr Madan Kataria, the teacher of laughter yoga, and I’ve been made international ambassador of laughter yoga as well.

“I’ve also been working on cruises doing laughter and happiness sessions.”

Ms Nicholson said people who went along could expect to have fun and feel joy, less stress and pain relief.

“It’s based on research that the body doesn’t know the difference between fake laughter or pretend laughter and real laughter,” Ms Nicholson said.

“As soon as you pretend to laugh, or even chant, ‘Ho, ho, ha, ha, ha’, our body thinks it’s real laughter and we begin to get the benefits. But we need to be laughing for at least 10 minutes to keep those benefits – a little giggle now and again is not enough.

“The first time I did it I thought it was silly, but if a person stays for the entire session they feel so good at the end – it does really connect us with the inner child.

“It’s a part of us that we ignore a lot of the time.

“When we feel the benefits by the end of the half-hour session, people want to come back.”

Details: 0413821636