Altona North stun gun robber sentenced

A man has received a four-year community corrections order and $2500 fine for committing armed robbery with a stun gun at Altona North.

Mohammed Said, 21, pleaded guilty to three offences committed in December, 2016, at the victims’ home.

The County Court heard the victims were Rob Hooli, then aged 39, and his wife, Hazal Hooli, then aged 41, who were at home with their six-year-old daughter.

They had advertised on the internet to sell an iPhone.

The court heard Said entered the home with an accomplice on the pretext of being a buyer and had planned to sell the phone to buy Xanax.

Judge Michael McInerney told the court that both offenders produced stun guns and used them on Mr Hooli, who they also punched.

“Indeed, the prisoner [Said] held him down with his knee so he could hit him in the head,” Judge McInerney said.

The offenders tried to sell the phone online soon afterwards.

Mr Hooli recognised his phone and the next day he and his brother turned up as “buyers” and confronted the two offenders.

The court heard the perpetrators ran off and Mr Hooli called police to tell them the offenders had left their car behind.

“Surprisingly, nothing was done by the police in so far as investigating that situation or attending the scene,” Judge McInerney said.

“Again, the court remarks that such actions by the police force, given the seriousness of this crime, are remarkable, and perhaps the least said about the police investigation the better.”

The court heard that Said was finally identified by CCTV.

In his sentencing remarks, Judge McInerney said Said had no priors and otherwise good character, and had expressed remorse.