Altona tree planting awaits

Tanmay Kolhatkar from DSNDP at Cherry Lake ahead of Saturday's tree planting event. (Damjan Janevski) 341368_01

Tanmay Kolhatkar has been a volunteer with Dr Shri Nanasaheb Dharmadhikari Pratishthan (DSNDP) since 2005.

Mr Kolhatkar works with DSNDP organising and creating awareness within the community on a wide range of topics to make sure there is an inclusive atmosphere for all.

On Saturday, June 24, the non-profit is hosting a tree plantation drive at Cherry Lake Buffer Mound and Wetlands, which Mr Kolhatkar said is crucial for the community.

“Tree planting and conservation is important for the community because of the growth occurring in the western suburbs,” he said.

“It has never been a densely populated area and now it is growing rapidly.

“It is important to plant trees for ecological balance and for the local species of butterflies and animals to continue to have a home as well.”

The tree planting drive is able to run with support of the Hobsons Bay council who will be providing DSNDP with 1230 plants.

The day will begin at 9am and finish by 2pm, so far 76 volunteers have registered but Mr Kolhatkar expects there to be more on the day.

“Only 30 of the registered volunteers are from DSNDP, the rest are from the community which is really exciting,” he said.

“The day will begin with a small demonstration from health and safety and we will hear from two council rangers who will be supervising the day, lunch will also be provided.

“We would like to urge people to be a part of the community to come with their loved ones and enjoy the experience.”

To register, Mr Kolhatkar invites tree planters to reach him by email.


Jennifer Pittorino