Altona woman honoured

Ann Smith. (Supplied)

Altona resident Ann Smith has been inducted into the 2022 Victorian Honour Roll of Women.

Women Minister Natalie Hutchins congratulated the 23 inductees at a ceremony at the Arts Centre in Melbourne recently.

“Victoria is full of remarkable women who are leading the nation in their chosen fields and in their communities –these honours are about celebrating their achievements,” she said.

“Congratulations to all of this year’s inductees in the Victorian Honour Roll of Women – every one of you have made significant and lasting contributions to our state and you help to inspire others to do the same.”

The Honour Roll celebrates exceptional Victorian women who have made significant and lasting contributions to our state and country.

Ms Smith has dedicated her life to improving the conditions of Victorians, through her work spanning nursing, education, leading hospitals, senior executive roles across a range of departments and, most recently, strengthening the protection of residents in residential aged care facilities as the head of the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre.

At the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre, she has been at the forefront of championing policy development, working closely with federal and state partners to ensure the rights and needs of those in residential aged care homes and systems are met, including establishing the Prevention Outbreak Plan Improvement Program and developing a 1800 line to support staff across the regions to understand policy changes.