Apply to become a UNICEF Youth Ambassador

Current UNICEF Australia Youth Ambassador Luke McNamara. (Supplied)

Applications are now open for all young people aged 16-24 interested in representing their state as a UNICEF Australia Young Ambassador.

The 2025 Young Ambassador program is an 18-month initiative for aspiring young advocates, where they will be trained in leadership and advocacy, while engaging in meaningful consultations with other young people on issues that impact them.

Current Young Ambassador, Luke McNamara, said the program has been “an amazing experience on all fronts”, especially the opportunities to advocate to the highest levels of government.

Along with his fellow Young Ambassadors, Luke presented the National Child and Youth Statement on Climate Change to MPs and ministers in Canberra. But this advocacy also went beyond Australian borders.

“Another key – and almost unbelievable – moment was officially launching that Statement at COP28 (the United Nations Climate Change Conference) in Dubai at the Australian Pavilion,” Luke said.

The 20-year-old said he’s been able to learn about the process of consultation that comes before any effective advocacy.

“The Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) which UNICEF Australia hosted in both 2023 and 2024 brought together young people from across the nation. Being able to design and facilitate the LCOY taught me so much about all the background work behind meaningful change,” he said.

UNICEF Australia will select at least one young ambassador from each state and territory to amplify the voices of their peers, with nine positions up for grabs across the nation.

UNICEF Australia head of impact and engagement Ruzika Soldo said it’s important to hear from all young people, in particular the experiences from regional and remote parts of Australia.

“The program brings together so many wonderful young people, each with different views and life experiences, but all with such great passion to make change,” she said.

“Our goal is to empower these young people, from all backgrounds and from all corners of the country, to be able have their voices heard – not just among their peers, but by Australia’s decision-makers.

“Over the 18 months we will equip the Young Ambassadors with the knowledge, skills and opportunities to influence policy and to lead action – because their voices should be considered on the decisions that impact them and their future.”

Applications close on Sunday, October 6. Details: