Art draws attention

Laverton College students, Danny, Dishy and Secilia with Altona College students, Hasara, Eden, Melodi, Bianne and Niamh. (Jacob Pattison)369088_01

Three schools from Hobsons Bay currently have student work exhibited at the Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre.

The three schools in the My Canvas My Art exhibition are Laverton P-12 College, Altona College and Mount St Josephs.

Altona College art teacher Kristy Krieger said the students are thrilled to have their art exhibited in a professional setting.

“This is an amazing opportunity for the kids to have their work in a professional location,” she said.

“All of their parents came to see the art, it was a really proud moment.”

Kristy had 16 kids from Year 7 to Year 9 work hard to complete their artwork to be displayed at the centre.

“Students came into my classroom in their own free time to work on their pieces, it was really nice.

“All of the students ended up working on very different themes which was really interesting, they used techniques we learnt in class but expressed themselves differently.”

The 54 canvases are on display until November 30.