Art therapy helps heal

(L-R) Artist Anna Kolusniewski, Paddy McGreal and Theresa Duncan from McAuley Community Services. (Damjan Janevski) 370758_05

Residents at McAuley Community Services for Women in Footscray have freshened up the roof top kitchen garden as a part of an art therapy program designed to give women practical, hands-on opportunities to create and express themselves.

For the past few weeks, the women have been letting their artistic sides shine and bringing some colour back into the garden which was in need of a freshen up.

Yarraville Community Centre art teacher Anna Kolusniewski ran the sessions.

“Seeing a student arrive nervous and hesitant about art and becoming addicted to it after a few sessions is very rewarding,” she said

“It gives the woman a sense of achievement through creating art and learning a new skill, and takes their minds away from issues that are bothering them. We also have lots of fun.”

A McAuley services spokesperson said the women used several different mediums, including painting and wire sculptures.

“Art therapy creates time for social connection in an informal setting and provides a creative outlet,” they said.

“By working as a team, the sessions provide residents an opportunity to work on their communication skills while also gaining craft skills and experience.”