Artwork created by students representing inclusivity and diversity is on show at Altona North Library

Ms Alyce Barrett (Leading Teacher P-4), Abdulrahman Haddara (Sub School Captain Yrs P-4), Uri Hassaballa (Sub School Captain Yrs 5-8), Jack McConnell (Sub School Captain Yrs P-4), Laura Lethlean (Hobson Bay Libraries Customer Team Leader) and Ms Naw Tardif (Primary art teacher) with the students artwork. (Supplied)

By Molly Magennis

Primary school students at Laverton P-12 College will have an art piece they created during Harmony Week displayed at the Altona North Community Library.

The canvased art piece was created to celebrate the diversity and inclusivity that exists within the broad college community.

The artwork was unveiled on Thursday April 7 by the college captains and principal team.

Alongside the canvas piece which will be displayed at the library, background music will be played of the college’s secondary students singing ‘I am Australian’.

Staff members Alyce Barret (Performing Arts) and Naw Tardif (Arts) worked with the students to create the piece.

Ms Tardif said most of her term one planning and curriculum is based around culture and identity, to align with Harmony Day which is held on March 21.

“[The curriculum is] to do with students and where they come from, their cultural background, celebrating their culture, being proud of who they are and where they come from because there’s so many kids who are from different backgrounds and so we learned about different languages that they speak at home,” she said.

There are three parts to the artwork: the background that represents the water, pictures of maps from all over the world to represent the diversity of the students and then hands that act for each of the students.

An Aboriginal flag is also placed in the centre of the painting to represent the foundation of Australia and to act as a reminder that First Nations people will always be the traditional owners of the land.

The artwork will be on display at the library until the mid year.