Bargain book hunting


The West Footscray Neighbourhood House is hosting a second-hand book sale on World Book Day to raise much needed funds for the neighbourhood house.

This year, World Book Day will be held on Tuesday, April 23, which centre manager Marianne Wangira said was the perfect opportunity for the sale.

“We have boxes of books sitting here, plus I have multiple boxes of books in my garage so we thought it was a really good opportunity,” she said.

“Books available will be a real mix including children’s books, current affairs, politics, fiction and non fiction novels.

“We really wanted to try it and see how we go to celebrate World Book Day, all the books will be on sale for $1.

“If there’s books remaining at the end, we might continue the sale for longer.”

Although there is no clear driver for the fundraising, Ms Wangira said the day will be used as a general fundraiser to purchase resources.

“The money will all be used to help us support the development of new programs,” she said.

“This can help get us a sensory toy library set up as well as the chance to allow us to purchase a new resource for childcare.”

The sale will run from 9.30am to 2.30pm in the foyer downstairs near the library at 539 Barkly Street, West Footscray.