Blitz on drink-driving


Victoria Police are issuing a zero-tolerance warning as new analysis reveals December is the worst month for drink driving on our roads.

Over the past three years, 2591 drink driving detections were recorded in December, 20 per cent higher than November with 2154.

December also posted the highest number of collisions where the driver was over the blood alcohol limit, with 321 recorded for the month across the three-year period, 18 per cent higher than November’s total of 272.

It is collisions where the driver was over the limit during the three-year period.

As a result, police are warning they will have an increased focus on alcohol and drug testing this December.

Assistant Commissioner Road Policing Glenn Weir said the final month of the year was a danger period for drink driving on Victoria’s roads.

“Not only do we have more alcohol detections, we have more alcohol-fuelled collisions than at any other time of the year,” Assistant Commissioner Weir said .

He urged motorists to not risk drink driving heading into the holiday period, saying they would be tested and caught.

“Police are ramping up our focus on drink driving right through Christmas and into the New Year. We’ll be out conducting alcohol and drug testing anywhere, any time – so if you think you won’t be caught, think again,” he said.

First-time offenders with a blood alcohol concentration between 0.05 and 0.07 will be fined $595 and have their licence immediately suspended for three months, with harsher penalties for high-range and repeat offenders.