Budget consultation open

Hobsons Bay councillor Jonathon Marsden. (Supplied)

By Cr Jonathon Marsden

Over the past few years, council has been working to redevelop Dennis Reserve in Williamstown.

It’s already seen four new tennis courts built and a great upgrade of the play space at the southern end of the reserve.

In the next financial year, the third and final phase of the project will be completed – the building of a new multipurpose community facility.

Council’s proposed budget has allocated $3.2 million to complete this community-designed project.

I can’t wait to see the building in action.

It’s easy to think of a council budget as just a set of figures.

But each of those figures represents something that will be of value to us as a community.

It might be a new park or community centre like the Dennis Reserve redevelopment.

It might be the resurfacing of a local street to make it safer, or it might be one of the more than 100 services council offers.

From maternal and child health to youth services, libraries, arts and culture, vital services for older people, every one of those figures in that budget will go towards making the lives of our residents better or safer.

You can help shape the proposed budget.

Go to participate.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au to view it and have your say.

While you’re on the Participate website, you can also help us review our Fair Hobsons Bay For All policy.

This is a policy that makes sure all of council’s decisions and activities are fair and inclusive for all of our residents, and supports groups who are more likely to experience disadvantage based on age, cultural background, ability, gender or sexuality.

Finally, a quick mention that our Arts at your Doorstep program starts on April 26 with Fred Smith’s Sparrows of Kabul – a song cycle on Australia’s 20-year involvement in Afghanistan.

The whole idea of Arts at your Doorstep is to bring great art into Hobsons Bay so we don’t have to travel to the city or beyond to experience it.

Details: hobsonsbaytickets.com.au