Businesses bid to boot food charity from Footscray mall

The food distribution service operated in the Nicholson Street mall by Reaching Out In The Inner West Of Melbourne. (supplied) 467003_01

Cade Lucas

A Footscray lawyer claims her business is losing money and she’s struggling to find tenants for empty office space due to a free food service that operates in the Nicholson Street mall on Monday evenings.

Madeline Tran is one of 14 mall based traders who’ve signed a petition demanding that the free food program run by local charity, Reaching Out in The Inner West of Melbourne, be moved out of the mall to another location.

The petition tabled at a meeting of Maribyrnong council on Tuesday, March 18, argues that Reaching Out’s free food program has proven so popular that it has outgrown the mall and obstructs the entrance to nearby shops and businesses, affecting their ability to attract customers.

While acknowledging that it’s an important service and that most attendees are peaceful, the petition also highlights a rise in disruptive and anti-social behaviour related to the program and that by running from 4pm to 7pm every Monday night, it clashes with extended operating hours.

“All the businesses along where they’re doing it (the free food program) at the moment are losing money,” said Ms Tran who argues that the nearby Madden Square or a local park, would be more appropriate locations.

“We can’t get tenants in at 92 Nicholson Street, Footscray. Nobody wants to lease it because of that one service.”

While Reaching Out only run their food distribution program for three hours a week, Ms Tran said people begin congregating in the mall as early as 10am on Monday mornings and often leave plastic bags and boxes in front of shops in order to reserve their spot.

Reaching Out In the Inner West didn’t respond to requests for comment, but other traders in the Nicholson Street mall spoken to by Star Weekly had no problem with their weekly food distribution service.

“I think their work is extremely important,” said one trader who wished to remain anonymous.

Another believed a decision had already been made to move the food program to Madden Square.

Maribyrnong council were contacted for comment.