By-law changes put to the test

Maribyrnong council offices. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 264038_03

Reducing the number of pets per property, retaining nature strip planting permits, and preventing caravan parking on council land are some of the proposals being tested as part of a ten-year review of Maribyrnong council’s by-laws.

By-laws are the day-to-day rules set by council to help protect local amenity, and regulate activities on council-controlled land and roads.

Maribyrnong council’s current General Purposes Local Law currently contains 56 by-laws.

The review will focus on by-laws relating to four areas identified as being in need of strengthening and improvement: animal management; safety, cleanliness and neighbourhood appeal; waste disposal and behaviour and activities on council-managed land and roads.

Some of the proposed changes to be tested include reducing the number of newly-registered pets that can be kept on an individual property, introducing permit requirements for private waste collection services, and regulating the storage of abandoned, derelict or unregistered vehicles on council property.

“These proposed changes we’re looking to test are designed to help future-proof our city by maintaining comfort and safety, support modern solutions, protect our city’s assets and address gaps in the current local law,” said Maribyrnong mayor Pradeep Tiwari.

Following the review, a new draft General Purpose Local Law is expected to be released for public comment by mid-2025.

For more information about the proposed changes and to share feedback, visit:

Feedback closes at midnight on Sunday , April 6.