Call for help to send housing message

Sunshine Salvation Army's Western homelessness service team with their origami houses. (Damjan Janevski) 415802_01

The Victorian Homelessness Network (VHN) are calling on the community to help send a strong message to the state and federal government.

To highlight the scale of Victoria’s housing crisis ahead of Homelessness Week, which takes place from August 5 to August 11, the VHN is calling on the community to assist them in their Houses at Parliament campaign, by folding 60,000 origami houses in a show of support for the homeless community.

The campaign calls for the state and federal governments to invest in constructing at least 60,000 social homes in Victoria, and to implement a National Plan to end homelessness.

Local campaign events and displays of houses will be occurring across Victoria between now and Homelessness Week.

All community members, schools, and community agencies are encouraged to join the Campaign.

On July 31, 6000 origami houses will be presented at state parliament in preparation for Homelessness Week.

The Western Homelessness Network spokesperson Sarah Langmore said a show of community support in the form of origami houses will go a long way to helping more Victorians receive shelter.

“Homelessness is not inevitable. With enough public and community homes and the right support, everyone in the community can be permanently housed,” she said.

“The first step to ending homelessness is ensuring people have access to housing they can afford. There is a dire shortage of housing in Victoria and this crisis is unacceptable.”

“We are calling for action now. Everybody has a right to a safe home to live in – it’s a human right. Nobody should be homelessness. Housing ends homelessness”.

As per the 2021 census, homelessness in Victoria increased by 24 per cent to over 30,000 people, and nearly one fifth of people experiencing homelessness in Victoria are in Melbourne’s west.

The theme for this year’s Homelessness Week is: “Homelessness Action Now”.
