Jennifer Pittorino
Residents in Footscray are calling on Maribyrnong council to relocate and give proper aid to what they say are homeless people living in Footscray Park.
As homelessness rates continue to rise around the state, Footscray Park is now home to a semi-permanent living situation complete with a large tent, a gazebo and the occupants’ belongings.
Star Weekly understands there are two people residing in the park.
A nearby resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said that the occupants of the tent have been living in the park for several months.
“They have easily been there for four or five months,” he said.
“Since then there has been an increase in rubbish, there are their bicycles and a whole range of things in the large area being used.”
“I think there are several people in our community block here who are feeling unsafe.
“We have many families and children who walk through the park which has now become an issue, due to this person who has been fairly aggressive.“
However, the main concern is the lack of use of public toilets according to the resident.
There are no public toilets in the area and the “area is filled with urine smells”.
The resident has contacted Maribyrnong council in order to get the people living in the tent help.
“Council has been fairly negligent given they have been aware of it and not really doing anything about it,” he said.
“Council has the responsibility to relocate these people if they are homeless.”
The resident, who has contacted the council more than once, said he was informed that council is working on the difficult situation with police.
“It has been a long time with no enforcement, yet I am continuing to get a $50 parking ticket for not parking correctly,” he said.
Maribyrnong council chief executive Celia Haddock said the council is aware of the situation in Footscray Park.
“Council is aware of the rough sleepers setting up tents in Footscray Park and have been working with support agencies – Unison and CoHealth – to provide assistance,” she said.
“Council has also provided individuals with information on how to seek assistance from support agencies.”
Victoria Police said it is not an offence to be homeless and the council is the lead agency in enforcing bylaws.
“Footscray police work closely with local council to engage with those experiencing homelessness and link them to essential support services.”