Celebrating close connections

Brenbeal Children's Centre manager Krystyna Soprun celebrated 25 years of service alongside James, 3, Jett, 3, and Zadie, 3. (Damjan Janevski) 316992_01

Brenbeal Children’s Centre manager Krystyna Soprun has described the children she has helped nurture, their parents and her colleagues as like her family.

Hailing from Poland, she recently celebrated 25 years with the centre.

Ms Soprun said the centre had welcomed her with open arms.

“I have built great relationships with the families and the community,” she said.

“I am so proud to have played a small part in their journey.”

Ms Soprun said the success of the centre was the result of her team.

“We have an amazing team of educators,” she said.

“Our staff members come from so many different cultures.

“We work very hard to provide high-quality services.”

Committee of management president Sarah Bell said Ms Soprun has been a key driver towards the centre receiving ‘Exceeding’ in the National Quality Standard assessments last year and securing funding towards enhancing the three-year-old kindergarten program.

“It is the staff that make all the difference,” she said.