Changing face of business in coronavirus shutdown

Nhi "Annie" Tran is giving away 400 masks a day. Photo: Damjan Janevski 207139_02

Goya Dmytryshchak

A Williamstown seamstress who turned her hand to making masks after her business closed, is giving away about 400 each day.

Nhi “Annie” Tran said that after her clothing-alteration shop at 20 Ferguson Street shut due to the coronavirus, she found another way to help the community.

“At the moment, because I don’t have work at all, I am just trying to do something for Australia, to help,” she said.

“On Monday and Tuesday, I’ve run out of more than 400 masks.

“Some people come and make a donation of money as well. Some give me fruit, and even a cake. Someone gave me chocolate as well.”

Her masks range from Melbourne black to colourful prints and polka dots.

She said it took about 10 prototypes before she was satisfied with a snug-fitting pattern.

“I’ve got some for the baby as well, but now I have run out of baby ones,” Ms Tran said.

“Now, I just make the masks and keep everybody safe first.

“If everybody is safe, it means we are safe.”