Community Calendar

This week's photographer's choice picture is of Sunshine Model Railway Club president Joe Saliba ahead of the 25th annual model railway exhibition held in Braybrook. (Damjan Janevski) 350535_01

Book sale

Friends of Altona Library hold a monthly book sale on the first Tuesday, Friday and Saturday of each month at the rear of Altona Library 123 Queen Street Altona, access via Coles carpark, from 10am to 1pm. libraries.hobsonsbay.

Altona Girl Guides

Altona Girl Guides currently have vacancies for girls aged 5-plus who would like to learn new skills, gain confidence,and expand their friendship circle while having fun.

English lessons

Want to learn English in a fun and relaxed setting? Build your English, digital and employability skills with the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). AMEP now available in Williamstown. Laverton Community Education Centre now offers free AMEP classes to eligible clients at Joan Kirner House in Williamstown. Classes are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30 am -3.00 pm. Childcare is available for children who are under school age. Laverton Community Education Centre is a Not -for -profit organisation. The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.

■ 93692726.

Computers, crafts, conversation

Whatever your learning interests and needs, Outlets Newport Community Education Centre has hands-on, face-to-face classes for you or a friend. Contact the centre today to find something for you!

■ 9391 8504, or

Carers’ walk and talk

A collaboration between the state government, Interchange Outer East and Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL), the Pathways for Carers program is launching a monthly walk in Footscray on the third Thursday of each month. The goal of each group is to provide carers with peer-based support, information, services and resources, opportunities to be active and connect with other carers, connect with nature and connect with their local community. or

Flower workshops

Want to learn how to do professional flower arrangements in a fun and relaxed program? Flowers, vase and snacks included. Joan Kirner House, 14 Thompson Street, Williamstown.

■ Liza, 0416 268 959

Diabetes support group

The Westgate Diabetes Support Group meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the Altona Bowling Club at 10am.

■ Elaine, 0415 030 996

AeroSpeakers Toastmasters Club

Would you like to develop confidence in communicating, competence with language and clarity in writing? AeroSpeakers Toastmasters Club would like to invite any and all residents to join them on the first and third Thursday of every month to help develop public speaking, communication and leadership skills. The group meets at the Laverton Community Hub, 95-105 Railway Avenue, Laverton from 7-9.30pm.

■ Vimi Gaoneadry, 0411 530 944

Cherry Lake Market

Set between Millers Road and the stunning Cherry Lake in Altona, this market has something for everyone. The market hosts more than 60 stalls selling plants, bric-a-brac, handcrafts, hot jam donuts, tools, clothing and much more. There is live music every month from the Cherry Lake Cultural Series, showcasing local musicians from across Hobsons Bay. From 9am- 1pm on the first Sunday of every month. Lions Club Cherry Lake Market or


The woodcarving workshop meets on Tuesdays at 9:30-noon at Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed, 280 Queens Street, Altona.

All levels of ability in this ancient, international craft are welcome, women included, starter tools and timber available.

Basic Home Maintenance course

Basic Home Maintenance meets at 7.15pm – 9.15pm at the Louis Joel Art & Community Centre, 5 Sargood Street Altona for a 4 week hands on Basic Home Maintenance course.

Book through: or 0451 717 401

Alcoholics Anonymous – Williamstown

Regular meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held at St Andrew’s Church Hall, Williamstown, Wednesday at 7pm and Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Newport, Thursday 6.30pm and Saturday 8.30am. All welcome including friends and family of people with drinking problems.

■ 1300 22 22 22, or

Wednesday walking group

The Williamstown Community Centre offers a regular Wednesday walking group that walks the local area, 10.15am-11am. New members are welcome. This activity is free and includes morning tea.

■ 9397 6168

Altona book sale

Friends of Altona Library hold a monthly book sale on the first Tuesday, Friday and Saturday of each month at the rear of Altona Library, 123 Queen Street, Altona, access via Coles car park, 10am-1pm.

Williamstown Craft Market

Commonwealth Reserve comes alive on the third Sunday of the month for the Williamstown Craft Market. The market boasts more than 50 stalls showcasing everything from handmade craft, homegrown produce and food vendors. There will also be live music. From 10am- 4pm.

Musicians Wanted

Established in 1979, the Westgate Concert Band is seeking new members. Do you play woodwind, brass or percussion and are looking for a welcoming place to play enjoyable and challenging music? Rehearsals are held Saturdays during school terms, 9am to noon at Braybrook College.

Free English conversation class

Is English your second language? Do you want to improve your English skills and meet new people? Practise English conversation in informal interactive group sessions. Light refreshments provided. Mondays during school terms, from 1pm to 3pm, at the Altona Library meeting room at Queen Street, Altona.

■ Joe Pellone, 0431 915 970, or, or Jill Mackenzie, 0439 994 705, or

Free walking group

Every Wednesday (during term dates) at 10.15am from Joan Kirner House, 14 Thompson Street, Williamstown.

■ Tahlia, 9397 6168

Free community morning tea

Every Wednesday at 11.00am in Joan Kirner House foyer, 14 Thompson Street, Williamstown.

■ Tahlia, 9397 6168

Heritage walks

Enjoy a leisurely one-and-a-half hour walk around historic Williamstown and nearby suburbs with guide John. Walks start at 9.20 am each Tuesday outside the Visitor Information Centre in Nelson Place. Each week is a different week and a printed sheet with the route and points of interest provided each week. Walks are leisurely and usually end at a café for a tea/coffee.

■ John, 0418 377 336

U3A Altona Inc

The 2023 AGM for U3A Altona Inc. will be held on Friday 28th July, at 1.00pm, at the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre. We are inviting nominations for our 2023-2024 Committee of Management. Our guest speaker will be well known local artist and conservationist Rob Mancini, and an afternoon tea will follow the meeting.

■ 9398 1346

Women Talk – Conversational English

The Women Talk Group will be held on Mondays at 10am for women to learn and practice speaking English in the classroom and the local area and make new friends in an all-women class.

■ 9391 8504, email

Newport Folk and Fiddle Beginner Play Along Group

The Newport Folk and Fiddle Beginner Play Along Group will be held on Saturday, August 19, at the Newport Scout Hall, 6 Market Street Newport at 6:30, ,All instruments and levels of expertise are welcomed where the main aim is to enjoy music and have fun.

■ Danny, 0425 769 253

Laverton Community Education Centre

Laverton Community Education Centre has started free AMEP classes in Williamstown Community Education Centre/ Joan Kirner House, onTuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30 am -3.00 pm.

Participants can build English, digital and employability skills with the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

■9369 2726

Gum Nut Bead Workshop

The Gum Nut Bead workshop is free , with all materials supplied to make a set of hand painted beads, held at Walker Close Community Centre, 180 Millers Rd, Altona North

Workshop 1: August 15, 2023 10.30 – 12.30

Workshop 2: August 22, 2023 10.30 – 12.30

■ 0404951095

The InterGen Program – GenZine

he team at GenZine are hosting a workshop as part of the upcoming InterGen Program on Saturday, August 12, from 1-3pm at the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre.Discussions will centre on understandings of gender and how to incorporate creativity into community care.

■ 9398 2511 or