Ordance Factory Maribyrnong reunion
The Reunion will incur a fee of $50 per person … this includes a Grazing Table and Champagne on arrival, and Finger Food with drinks at bar prices.
We currently have over 100 former staff attending.
To secure your attendance, please email Mary (OFM.Reunion2023@gmail.com) for payment details on or prior to 9th November 2023 (as this is a private function, attendance without prior payment will not be permitted).
Looking forward to reminiscing about the old times with you all.
Date: Saturday, 11th November 2023
Time: Midday until 4 pm
Venue: Keilor Hotel, 670 Old Calder Highway, Keilor 3036
Room: Marquee (there will be signage to guide you)
Free WONDER-full Nature Walks for 55s+
Join Dr Liz Cyarto for Forest Therapy walks. Have fun, reduce your stress and boost your vitality. Guided walks offered in Newport Lakes Reserve and Williamstown Botanic Gardens.
Supported by Hobsons Bay City Council through its Make it Happen Grant program. Auspiced by Outlets Co-operative Neighbourhood House.
Limited spots. Registration is open for Spring ’23 – Summer ’24. Don’t miss your chance.
■ Dr Liz, thehealthysenior@gmail.com
CCN Choir
Christchurch Newport Choir is looking for people who enjoy singing and like Christmas carols to join the choir as they prepare some songs for the coming Christmas season. No experience necessary.
Rehearsals are on Thursday nights at 7pm, at Christchurch, 61 Mason St, Newport.
■ Contact: Voola 0414690448, vfh2055@gmail.com
Book sale
Friends of Altona Library hold a monthly book sale on the first Tuesday, Friday and Saturday of each month at the rear of Altona Library 123 Queen Street Altona. access via Coles carpark, from 10am-1pm.
Altona Girl Guides
Altona Girl Guides currently have vacancies for girls aged five-plus who would like to learn new skills, gain confidence,and expand their friendship circle while having fun.
English lessons
Want to learn English in a fun and relaxed setting? Build your English, digital and employability skills with the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). Williamstown. Laverton Community Education Centre now offers free AMEP classes to eligible clients at Joan Kirner House in Williamstown. Classes are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30am-3pm. Childcare is available for children who are under school age.
■ 93692726.
Computers, crafts, conversation
Whatever your learning interests and needs, Outlets Newport Community Education Centre has hands-on, face-to-face classes for you or a friend. Contact the centre today to find something for you!
■ 9391 8504, or outlets@outletsco-op.com.au
Carers’ walk and talk
A collaboration between the state government, Interchange Outer East and Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL), the Pathways for Carers program is launching a monthly walk in Footscray on the third Thursday of each month. The goal of each group is to provide carers with peer-based support, information, services and resources, opportunities to be active and connect with other carers, connect with nature and connect with their local community.
■ lauren.mcalpine@bsl.org.au or www.pathwaysforcarers.com.au
Seeking stories
Award-winning local author Dr Dominique Hes is writing a book on Newport Lakes, tracing its history, its impact and its contribution. The book will outline the story of its development, highlighting the role of consensus, courage, vision and working with nature to create a beautiful ecological and social place. Weaving in theories of biophilia, regenerative development and placemaking with local stories, it aims to provide inspiration for other communities looking at what they can do in their neighbourhoods. Locals are asked to come forward with any stories, photos, memories to be included in the book.