Altona North Combined Probus
The Altona North Combined Probus Club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Altona Sports Club. Includes a speaker, organised trips and outings, and a friendly atmosphere.
■ Lesley, 0414 481 442
Sincerely Yours – Playing Second Fiddle
Come enjoy a social afternoon with a musical performance followed by afternoon tea and the opportunity to access locally set up community stalls.
Little Pine Tree Productions and Westgate Neighbourhood Fund are proud to present the free community event on Monday April 14 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM at Williamstown Town Hall.
■ Bookings: www.trybooking.com/CXLKQ, email: littlepinetreeproduction@gmail.com
Heritage Walks
Enjoy a leisurely 90 minute walk around historic Williamstown and nearby suburbs with guide John Becroft. Walks start at 9-20 a.m. each Tuesday outside the Visitor Information Centre in Nelson Place.
■ John Becroft 0418-377-336
Art class
The Braybrook and Maidstone Neighbourhood House is excited to welcome back talented artist Beverly Inch, for a one-time art class on Monday, March 31, at 1:00 PM.
Bookings are essential as seats are limited.
■ To book call BMNH on (03) 9317 5610 or 0428904068 or email: office@bmnh.org.au
Braybrook and Maidstone walking group
The Braybrook and Maidstone Neighbourhood House are holding a walking group from 9am to 10am every second Wednesday. The walking group is open to everyone and starts from the neighbourhood house at 113 Melon Street, Braybrook. The next walk is on Wednesday, April 2.
■ 93175610 or jodie@bmnh.org.au
Rotary Club of Point Gellibrand is again hosting a fundraising event as part of the Cancer Council of Victoria’s Biggest Morning Tea on Thursday, May 22. This year’s venue is the Royal Yacht Club of Victoria which will host the morning tea from 10am to 12pm. The cost is $40.00 per head which includes sandwiches, fruit platters, savoury and sweet treats plus tea and coffee.
There will also be a guest speaker, silent auction, raffle, and table prizes. All proceeds go towards supporting cancer research. Tickets can be purchased at TryBooking. Book now to reserve as place as the event always sells out quickly.
Walking group
The Mighty West Heart Foundation Community Walking Group meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10am. Walk at your own pace for up to 60 minutes. Discover the many health benefits (physical and psychological) of walking together. All welcome.
■ 0411 566 862
Willin Wimmin choir
Join the wonderful women at Willin Wimmin choir in Williamstown for some singing fun! Term 1 begins on Wednesday January 29 and goes through to April 2. Try us out for free for two weeks to see if it’s your thing. The group is all about the joy of group singing, and we welcome new members. There are no auditions required. Members sing a mix of contemporary, folk, choral, and world music in acapella style. The choir meets on Wednesday evenings during school terms from 7:30pm to 9:30 pm at The Dennis Reserve, 109 Ferguson Street, corner Melbourne Road, Williamstown.
■ willinwimmin.org.au or email willin.wimmin@gmail.com
Women Working Together
A program connecting women aged 50 and above and in need of assistance, with mentors and mentees. Open to women across the western suburbs, including Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay.
■ 9655 2131, EmploymentSupport@cotavic.org.au, or cotavic.org.au/our-programs/employment-support/
Musicians Wanted
Westgate Concert Band, Established in 1979 is seeking new members. Rehearsals are held on Saturday mornings during school terms, 9am to 12noon at Braybrook College.
■ For more information email westgateconcertband@gmail.com
Williamstown Bridge Club.
The club has bridge sessions each week on Wednesdays at 7.25pm, Fridays at 1.25pm for experienced players, and a supervised session on Fridays at 9.50am at Hobsons Bay Sport & Game Fishing Club, 17 Altona Road, Altona. Beginners lessons begin in May. All levels welcome and partners can be provided.
■ Sandi 0417315760, Alan,0430 309 255, or www.bridgewebs.com/williamstown
Walking football (soccer)
For anyone aged 50 & over, any fitness level – no running allowed. This is a social activity for fun and a bit of exercise, no experience necessary. Supported by Hobsons Bay Council and Football Victoria, this is a free activity each Wednesday, from 10am to 11am, indoors at the Sports Centre, Andrew Park Drive, Altona.
■ Mike, 0423 291 708
Computer classes
Scams, MyGov, software, online shopping, banking, email, whatever. We all need to keep up with the internet, IT, computers, and changing technology. Classes every day of the week , mornings and afternoons, in Williamstown and Altona North.
■ Lynne, 9397-6168.
Laverton Bowls Club
Experience the fun and skill of lawn bowls, a game which is suitable for all ages. Laverton Bowls Club is recruiting new members, so if you are looking for a friendly atmosphere and the opportunity to bowl both socially or at pennant level Laverton is the place to be. Come to the club on Tuesday or Thursday mornings for practise beginning at 10am. All welcome at 77-87 Hall Street, Altona Meadows.
■ 9369 1034 or email : secretary@lavertonbowls.com.au
Musicians welcome
Do you play any percussion, brass or woodwind instruments? The Hobsons Bay City Band is seeking musicians to join their community band. Please note that rehearsals are held under the directorship of Wayne Bowden OAM every Monday evening from 7.30pm at the Spotswood South Kingsville RSL, 59 The Avenue, Spotswood.
■ Hannah Prouse, hbcityband@gmail.com or check URL www.hbcb.org.au
Fiddle group
The Newport Folk and Fiddle Beginner Play Along Group is a great place for beginners or those with some experience, to play music in a safe, casual and welcoming environment. Come on down, have some fun, make new friends, have a cuppa and maybe even learn something new. All instruments and levels of expertise are welcomed where the main aim is to enjoy music and have fun. Children are also most welcome. The third Saturday of the month, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, at 2nd Newport Scouts, 6 Market Street, Newport.
■ www.nffc.org.au/beginner-playalong
Prep for employment course
Seeking a change in career or how to improve your employability? Receive face-to-face help with job searches, resumes, interviews, upskilling and more in a prep for employment course. Register today. At 43 Mason Street, Newport.
■ 9391 8504, outlets@outletsco-op.com.au
Intro to computers course
For beginners and those looking to refresh skills. The computer lab is fully equipped for interactive and hands-on learning. Accessing information, resources, file management, emails, Microsoft Office, AI and online safety. At 43 Mason Street, Newport.
■ 9391 8504, outlets@outletsco-op.com.au
Everyday English language course
For women of all ages and backgrounds with English as a second language. Practice speaking English in different situations, and make new friends. Fridays, 10am-noon. At 43 Mason Street, Newport.
■ 9391 8504, outlets@outletsco-op.com.au
Laverton Community Choir
The choir is welcoming new members, especially male voices. If you love singing and would like to be part of a choir, come along and try out your vocal cords with this fun and welcoming group of singers. There are no auditions and you don’t need to be able to read music. The group meets on Thursday evenings during school terms at Laverton P12 College, 91 Bladin Street, Laverton, from 7-9pm.
■ Sue, 0418 386 147, or lavertoncommunitychoir@gmail.com
Mouth Organ Band
Yarraville Mouth Organ Band is looking for new members. Band practice is held on Friday evenings at 8pm in the band hall at 203 Williamstown Road, Yarraville. For great music in a friendly atmosphere feel free to call in one Friday evening.
■ Heather 9399 2190 or ymob1933@yahoo.com.au