Community pantry welcomed

Karen Ingram with the new community pantry. (Jacob Pattison) 369591_01

The Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre in Altona is the newest location in Hobsons Bay to receive a community pantry.

Manager Karen Ingram said it has become apparent that many people in the community are struggling.

“We see all kinds of people being a busy community centre, there are some people who are really struggling,” she said.

“Single people, young people, young families, they are all people who need a bit of a hand.

“They might not be able to make the money they are earning last for a full pay period, so it is good to know they can come to us for help.”

The community pantry is located on the deck overlooking the veggie patch, accessible during business hours.

“We are aware that some of the other food pantries are accessible on a footpath at all hours, our aim is to have people engage with us so they feel like they have a sense of belonging and community,” she said.

“Of course if people don’t feel like talking they can just go straight through.

“We just want them to know they have the option to come and see our art exhibitions if they choose to do so.”

The community pantry has been supplied by ExxonMobil who asked the centre what they can do to help out.

“People are starting to bring some items in, we have already seen a little bit of turnover already but we just want people to know it is there.

“Members of the community are welcome to drop off non perishable goods, preferably for the kitchen, bathroom and laundry.

“It would be great if the items could complement our edible garden produce which we get from the beds in our garden.”