Company fined for cleanup non-compliance


A Brooklyn company that failed to supply a cleanup plan for contaminated land it owns has been fined $5,928 by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).

The company, 460 Brooklyn Pty Ltd, owns land at 454-460 Somerville Rd, Brooklyn which was once used for chemical manufacturing purposes and as a result, is now contaminated with substances including benzene, styrene and trichloroethene.

The land is proposed to be used for future commercial and industrial uses. As the landowner, 460 Brooklyn was officially notified by the EPA to provide a cleanup plan but failed to do so by deadline.

“EPA notices are legally enforceable. We issued a notice requiring 460 Brooklyn to provide their cleanup plan by 31 July 2024,” said EPA western metropolitan regional manager Steve Lansdell.

“In August, 460 Brooklyn acknowledged that they had missed the deadline but that does not excuse the company for failing their duty to properly respond to an EPA notice and take their obligations seriously.”

Increased punishment for non-compliance was included as part of the EPA’s 2024-25 annual plan.