Concerns over Footscray African centre’s future

Mohamed Abdulrahmen. Picture: Damjan Janevski.

A community leader says any hope for the continuation of a centre “by and for” African-Australians at Footscray will crumble with the departure of one of the organisations funded to set it up.

The African Australian Community Centre was set up with a $600,000 state government grant in 2012 as a partnership between the Anglican Parish of Footscray and the Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL).

The venture aimed to help African migrants and refugees settle in Australia, with activities including youth mentoring, job search support and assistance with legal matters.

But the BSL has ended the partnership and is vacating the centre this month to make way for the New Hope Foundation.

African Australian Small Business Association president Mohamed Abdulrahman said the Picket Street centre had become a magnet for the community but was now at risk of being unable to offer the same services and sense of belonging.

Mr Abdulrahman said his organisation was one of at least five that had been using office spaces at the centre and now faced being squeezed out.

“I am very passionate about the idea of empowering the community and being part of Australia’s multicultural success story.”

Shift to outer suburbs

BSL programs and policy group general manager Rob Hudson said there had been a migration of people from Footscray out into the growth corridor suburbs, so the organisation was shifting its focus to those areas.

“It’s an accelerating trend, there’s no doubt about it,” he said. “People still come into Footscray, but a lot of the need for services is farther out.”

New Hope Foundation facilities manager Russell White confirmed the organisation would relocate from its Victoria Street premises to the centre.

“Discussions are ongoing with the groups; we have no intention to change anything,” he said. “It gives us great opportunities.”

But Mr Abdulrahman said the changes reduced community access to office spaces and gave no guarantee the African Australian Community Centre name would be retained. He said Footscray remained the most suitable place for a centre for the African community.

The Anglican Parish of Footscray indicated it will work with New Hope Foundation to make the most of the transition.