Council develops new housing strategy


Maribyrnong council is seeking the communities feedback on a new housing strategy, developed to accommodate its growing population.

Council said Maribyrnongs population is growing and changing, with an additional 60,000 residents expected to call Maribyrnong home by 2051.

Meaning council will need up to 30,000 new homes to accommodate the growth.

“This new Strategy will aim to ensure housing is appropriately located and environmentally-sustainable, while also clarifying council’s role in facilitating social and affordable housing,” said council.

Council said the new plan will accommodate the growth ensuring a number of things.

The first ensures there is a mix of different housing types that provides choice to people of different ages, abilities, incomes and cultures.

The second is that new housing is delivered in the right locations to support the affordability, sustainability and character of Maribyrnongs suburbs.

Council said the new housing will be well designed, environmentally efficient and resilient, to supports a good quality of life for the people who live there.

While responding to its surrounding area and helping to enhance the character of the suburbs.

“We know, from previous conversations, our residents value open space, trees, greener spaces, the character of their neighbourhoods, and high-quality design,” said council.

“We understand that managing growth and development pressures, while maintaining what people love about living in their neighbourhood, will be a key challenge.”

Council said residents’ ideas and priorities will help inform councils planning on how to accommodate everyone’s housing needs.

As well as the key things residents love about where they live, how council might protect those features and what they want to see more of in the future.

Feedback closes midnight June 30, and can be submitted online, in person or by reply-paid postcard.
