Cricket book scores big

Fiona McKenzie has created a book celebrating her club's history.(Jacob Pattison)377587_01

Fiona McKenzie has commemorated 40 years of women’s cricket at the Altona North Cricket Club, by creating a book documenting the club’s history.

Growing up in Port Melbourne, Ms McKenzie didn’t have access to a women’s cricket team, the nearest being in Altona North.

Joining at 12-years-old, Ms McKenzie has been there ever since despite no longer playing.

“The ladies had a team from 1973 to 2013, so this book is a complete statistic of the club,” she said.

“We have every single match that was played which is phenomenal.”

Using old score books, Ms McKenzie compiled information on each of the 200 players and every season into the book.

“There are about 45 to 50 stories from past players and parents, speaking about their time at the club, as well as a lot of memorabilia and trophies. There are old meeting notes and old letters all the way from the 70s.”

Ms McKenzie is glad she has been able to share the book with her 95-year-old father who took her to every game when she was a child.

“I was so glad that I did it and could give a copy to my dad who saw every game I played over 26 years. He said it brought back a lot of memories as these things do.”

The release of the book has been timed perfectly by Ms McKenzie who arranged for it to be ready in time for the club’s 120th anniversary this year.

“It has taken me a long time gathering photos and stories so I am glad it’s finished and I can look back at a lot of good memories.”

The book is available for purchase on the club’s website.


Jennifer Pittorino