Dig deep for your local community

The Salvation Army is launching their annual Christmas appeal (iStock).

The Salvation Army is launching their annual Christmas appeal in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay to help support individuals and families who are experiencing hardship this Christmas.

The rising cost of living, interest rate and rental price hikes has meant that more people have been turning to The Salvation Army for support, making this year’s Christmas appeal vitally important.

The Salvos are aiming to raise $25 million nationally, so nobody struggles alone. Salvation Army Victorian public relations secretary Major Warren Elliott said Christmas is the busiest time of the year for The Salvos.

“This Christmas we expect the additional stresses of this year will result in more people than ever struggling to afford Christmas for themselves and their families,” he said.

“The Salvation Army are here for you. Whether it is practical support like food or presents, or if you are feeling down or lonely this Christmas, reach out to us at The Salvos.”

There are many ways you can lend a hand, including by donating products such as gifts and food, or offering a financial donation to the Christmas appeal.

The Salvation Army also hosts a number of special community celebrations during the festive season, and encourages community members looking for affordable Christmas shopping options to consider Salvos stores.

Not only will you save cash on Christmas shopping, but 100 per cent of the profits raised support The Salvos community work across the country.

Major Elliot said it’s more important than ever to band together as a community and lend a hand to those doing it tough.

“By believing in our good work and supporting our Christmas appeal, The Salvation Army can continue providing wraparound services and tailored support and bring much needed hope and help.

“Take time to remember what matters most at Christmas – connection, community, friends, and family. Reach out to people. Spend time with those you care about.

“And if Christmas is a hard or lonely time for you, remember that your local Salvos family is always just down the road.”

Details: salvationarmy.org.au.