Don’t get caught out this summer

It’s beginning to look a lot like the season for road trips – with new research from Mitsubishi Motors Australia [MMAL] revealing one in five Aussies are planning on travelling more than 1000 kilometres across the holiday season.

As a country of avid drivers, it’s no surprise that for nearly half of all Aussies (45 per cent), the preferred mode of travel is driving, with Aussies taking on average between two and three road trips per year.

To celebrate the season and prepare Aussies for travel, Mitsubishi is revealing road trip tips and tricks, to prepare families and vehicles for the season ahead.

“Road trips are a favourite Aussie pastime, but it’s important to be prepared,” MMAL national technical support and service manager Neil Dunn said.

“There are some easy tips and tricks to prepare yourself, your family, and your vehicle for a road trip and ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.”

Mitsubishi’s top 10 festive road trip tips are:

* Beat the rush and make an early start to avoid the highway traffic jam;

* Protect the family from unexpected encounters with kangaroos on outback roads, or torrential downpours in the middle of rainforests, not to mention accidents and break-ins by ensuring you have the insurance you need before travelling and purchase roadside assistance for additional support;

* Make sure to fit like-sized items together in the boot, with larger and heavier items in first and smaller items in the space between and always ensure the rear screen is not obscured.

* Check the vehicle’s windscreen washer fluid, brake fluid, coolant and engine oil;

* Check the tyre pressure and tread, to ensure it’s correct for the terrain the vehicle will be driving in;

* Get the brakes checked and replaced if needed before a long road trip;

* Fix the car lights;

* Plan your breaks and ensure the car is filled up at each of those stops;

* Ensure the family and car are covered by packing an emergency kit including first-aid, blankets, a torch, vomit bag, and spare water;

* Check your spare tyre, tools and pack a pair of gloves; and

* Enjoy the ride.

Research said 60 per cent of Australians said the scenery and the stop offs along the way are key to a good road trip, so plan your breaks in advance.

These coincide with in-car experience (35 per cent), conversations with family and friends (33 per cent), family bonding (27 per cent) and car snacks (22 per cent).

The findings also revealed Aussies ideal road trip locations, with one third of Aussies saying it has to be a beach or coastal location, followed by outback (17 per cent), rainforest (11 per cent), big city (10 per cent), the bush (nine per cent), and the snow (six per cent).