Dwelling proposal knocked back

(Damjan Janevski) 264038_01

Maribyrnong council has refused a permit application, which would have led to the demolition of a single storey weatherboard dwelling in Seddon to make way for a $500,000 three-storey dwelling.

During Maribyrnong council’s City Development Delegated Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 28, council passed an alternate motion to refuse granting a permit to construct a dwelling at 66 Walter Street in Seddon.

The alternate motion detailed that the proposal failed to respect the character of the area, failed to provide an appropriate front setback and the length and the height of boundary walls would have an unreasonable impact on adjoining properties.

The council received 24 objections to the proposal relating to neighbourhood character, amenity, parking and construction impacts.

Maribyrnong mayor Sarah Carter said the proposal represented an overdevelopment of the site.

“There are enough areas of noncompliance that signal very strongly that this is a poor planning outcome,” she said.

In an impassioned plea opposing the development, Seddon resident and direct neighbour to the proposed development Mara Rados said the proposed development had caused her “extreme” stress.

“I now find myself in the fight of my life for my home and my community,” she said.

SongBowden Planning director Daniel Bowden said while he acknowledged the objectors’ issues with the proposal required consideration, SongBowden Planning respectfully disagreed with their concerns.

“On balance, this is an acceptable planning outcome,” he said.