Emergency sports equipment grants open


Round one of the state government’s Emergency Sporting Equipment Grants Program is now open to sports clubs across Victoria, including those in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay.

Grants of up to $2000 are available to provide efficient support to clubs in times of need, replacing essential equipment lost through theft, fires or other setbacks.

Community Sport Minister Ros Spence said the grants are about helping clubs get back on their feet when something out of their control happens.

“Our emergency grants provide the lifeline clubs need so they can continue doing what they do best, bringing communities together and helping people play the sport they love,” she said.

Previous recipients include the Traralgon City Soccer Club which received almost $2000 after flooding, and North Sunshine Tennis Club received $2000 towards to replace gear after a break in.

“The program complements the Sporting Club Grants Program which has delivered more than $13 million to support community sporting clubs since 2014,” a government statement said.

“The recent Community Sport Sector COVID-19 Survival Package has also provided $50 million to more than 7500 clubs, leagues, state associations and other organisations across the sport and active recreation sector during the pandemic.”

North Sunshine Tennis Club president John Harvey said the robbery was a “considerable setback”, as thieves took equipment which was used by those who could not afford their own tennis gear.

“In times where clubs are finding it difficult to raise funds, we are most grateful that the government stood behind our community members and the club by providing this grant,” he said.

Details: sport.vic.gov.au.