Fertiliser plan causes stink

Hobsons Bay residents are still cautious surrounding a proposed site in Altona.

Jennifer Pittorino

Hobsons Bay residents are still cautious about the future use of an industrial site in Altona North, despite having their main cause for concern removed from the planning proposal.

Laverton resident Tori Mikula was one of the residents to submit feedback to Hobsons Bay council through Greenlight, expressing her disapproval of plans for a fertiliser facility.

The proposed site on Kororoit Creek Road was originally mooted for fertiliser production and warehousing.

An influx of responses from the community prompted the applicant to amend the proposal to remove the fertiliser production.

However, Ms Mikula remains sceptical.

“I am pleased they have removed fertiliser production, however I still have some concerns,” she said.

“We are unsure if fertiliser is still going to be stored at the facility. If it is stored there I am concerned about obnoxious smells, the factory being so close to residential homes and how close it is to a drain which leads into the creek and waterways.

“I am concerned about the local flora and fauna and what damage might ensue from any spillage and cleaning of the facility.”

Ms Mikula believes there are other more suitable locations for a facility of this kind further away from residential housing.

“I think it can be placed somewhere with more suitable industrial locations.”

Tract town planner Heidi Duncan said the applicant was made aware of the community’s discomfort surrounding the proposed fertiliser production component of the planning request.

“With this in mind, the applicant had written and requested that the fertiliser production land use be removed from the application,” she said.

“The application has been amended accordingly.”

The site will continue to be used for what Ms Duncan said was the original purpose which is warehousing.

Hobsons Bay council said it received several objections to the proposal and all objectors have been notified that the proposal has changed.

The amended application is still being assessed by council and all objections will be considered.

It will be decided by councillors at an upcoming Delegated Planning Committee (DPC) meeting.