Film festival airs talent

ABFF President Annette Stephens, ABFF Treasurer John Dawson, Altona Sports Club Manager Gavin Comport, ABFF Media Johnno Solo, Kasey (10), Kelina (8), nd Ziva (10). (Jacob Pattison)362983_01

The Altona Beach Film Festival has come and gone for another year , with 13 entries this year competing for the ultimate prize.

President Annette Stephens started the festival began nine years ago, leaving everyone excited for the upcoming tenth anniversary.

This year’s theme for the festival was ‘Water’.

The winners were Best in Festival: Water 2088 by William Butler

Special Recognition: Inner Depths by Mark Russel Bernard

Best Young Adult: The Holiday by Kasey Vithilingum

Best Young Adult: Draw Me Arial by Willow Pugh

Presidents Encouragement Award: Tradies by Christine & Damien Harris

“I really enjoy our presentation night every year. It’s held at the Atlantic City Theatre and it’s a special chance for me to meet the filmmakers in person,” said Annette.

“We watch the films, have some entertainment, and then we go back in and present the awards.

Annette said everyone enjoys the films and she especially enjoys watching the audience react to the films.

“I think it’s important for the filmmakers to see those reactions as well. Then they get a proper understanding of how the film works, what makes people laugh or makes people cry, it’s very interesting.”

Annette said next year they are planning something special for the 10th anniversary.

“We are not asking for entries for next year, we’re going to showcase the best of the last nine years.

“We want to go back and revisit those films and let the audience see them again.”

A team of judges, filmmakers, directors and producers will judge all of the entries in their respective categories.

“We are entirely run by volunteers who are passionate about local talent and film.”

Jennifer Pittorino