Fishing village mural unveiled

Ted Peck, Kirsten Craggs and Nancy Belyea at the mural. Photo: Damjan Janevski

By Goya Dmytryshchak

A mural celebrating the unique history of a Williamstown North fishing village has been unveiled.

Boat shed owners at Kororoit Creek Historic Fishing Village were last week joined by members of the Hobsons Bay Art Society to unveil the artwork fronting the coastal trail at Gray Reserve Road.

Ted Peck, fisherman and artist, said the mural was dedicated to the village and its colourful life and times.

“It was established just after the First World War, so we’re looking at 100 years around about now of the fishing village being here,” he said.

“Apparently, it was a good spot for some of those guys that came back to get a little bit socialised again after the traumas of war.”

The mural features Kororoit Creek, waterbirds, the Altona skipper butterfly, a fisherman, boat sheds, the nearby former Williamstown Racecourse and Phar Lap, who won the Underwood Stakes there in 1931.

“Apparently, the nice thing to do was to hire a boat down here and row your lady friend up to the races,” Mr Peck said.

“This bottom part of the creek here is so full of the early part of the history of Williamstown, I just think it would just be a real shame if anything happened to this area down here and we lost it.”


Goya Dmytryshchak