Flood change

Cr Sarah Carter. (Supplied)

Cr Sarah Carter

It’s been nearly two years since the devastating Maribyrnong River floods, which impacted over 500 residents, businesses and community organisations in our municipality.

In my 15 years as councillor, the October 2022 flood was the worst weather event on record and our community is still healing from the devastation caused.

I’ve been inspired by the work of community volunteers and the passion of Maribyrnong residents to support one another in times of crisis – it’s been a challenging road to recovery so far that has only deepened my pride in our community.

In the immediate aftermath, council established a relief centre where impacted residents could seek refuge and find necessary resources and support.

Together with emergency services, neighbouring councils and the wider community, we worked through cleaning up debris and removed more than 160 tonnes of mud and silt from the impacted area.

An important part of our response has been the establishment of a Community Recovery Committee, whose role has been to provide guidance, support, and advice on what recovery should look like for our community.

I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all the community members of the committee past and present who dedicated their time, energy and ideas such as the ‘Meet Your Neighbours’ gatherings at Coulson gardens to support the ongoing recovery of their community.

A year on from establishing the Community Recovery Committee, it was time for us to undertake a review of the structure and performance of the committee to ensure it continues to support the changing needs of our community.

The outcome of the review, one which I fully endorse as the councillor representative on the committee, was that the committee continue with some changes to the structure and composition.

One of the key recommendations from the review was to appoint an independent chair to facilitate meetings, which is really positive – it’s important to have independence in the operationalisation of the committee and have a further look at what we do moving forward.

To further support flood-affected residents, council has a range of financial relief measures in place including a 50 per cent rebate on the 2023/24 third and fourth quarter rates and municipal charges.

In addition, Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre have extended their free programming to flood affected residents to promote wellbeing and resilience to June 2024.

Council remains committed to empowering and working alongside our community in the flood recovery journey and importantly, looking ahead to preparedness in the event of adverse weather events in the future. To learn more about flood risk and the actions you take can before, during and after a flood event to stay safe, join Council VicSES and Melbourne Water on Thursday, May 9 from 5-7pm at Maribyrnong Community Centre. Email floodrecovery@maribyrnong.vic.gov.au to register.