Flying the flag of Aboriginal respect

Marsha Thomson with Footscray City students Hugo, Imogen, Jana, Marlowe and Ava. Photo by Damjan Janevski

Footscray City Primary School pupils are flying the flag of reconciliation and respect for Australia’s traditional owners.

The school community came together on Friday to raise the indigenous flag on a new flagpole.

The flag was provided to the school after pupils Ava and Sigfreda, in grade 3 at the time, wrote to Gellibrand MP Tim Watts about their belief the school should be flying the indigenous flag.

Footscray City Primary School principal Jessie Hand said Mr Watts’ office provided a flag, so school captains Darcy and Marlowe wrote to state Footscray MP Marsha Thomson requesting a second flagpole.

Ms Hand said the raising of the flag on the new flag pole at a special assembly last Friday afternoon was an important step in the symbolic recognition of the area’s traditional owners.

“Friday was a really momentous occasion, it was a great thrill.”

Ms Hand said the school’s pupils have a strong social conscience and sense of social justice.

Ms Thomson said she was excited to see the students so engaged and proud about what is happening at their school.

“Small projects like this can make a big difference to the everyday experiences of students and increase the community’s pride in their local schools,” she said.