Forum discusses air quality

Lisel Thomas, Glen Yates, Carmen Largaiolli and Brian Lang attended Hobsons Bay air quality forum. (Damjan Janevski) 348804_01

A tri-council forum on the west’s air quality problem found it was yet to produce any solutions, according to one participant.

The July 21 forum was hosted by Hobsons Bay council in conjunction with Maribyrnong and Brimbank councils.

Five community members as well as three Maribyrnong councillors, Simon Crawford, Bernadette Thomas and Jorge Jorquera attended the forum which gave participants the chance to work with an expert panel.

One of the residents who attended, Glen Yates, said there was a lot of talk about air pollution.

“We discussed how a lot of the community are in fear of the environment they live in,” he said.

“It was great to see Hobsons Bay council pull together a pro-active meeting that encouraged discussions surrounding air quality.

“We all listened to the panel presentations and those who represented from all three councils, then we deliberated as a group, the councillors deliberated with us.

“We asked what are some of the solutions to the challenges and questions we raised regarding monitoring industry truck movements.

“As far as a solution to take away on the day, there wasn’t any.

“There was discussion around what was wrong and how things could be addressed for future discussion.

“The councils said they will work together collaboratively on these issues in the future.”

Maribyrnong city futures manager Francesca O’Brien said local government has a key role to play in supporting communities to achieve improved air quality.

Ms O’Brien confirmed Maribyrnong council has not sent a letter to Roads Minister and Williamstown MP Melissa Horne about the issue, which was one of the points stated to be done when council declared the health emergency in May.

Jennifer Pittorino