Foster carers needed in the west

Foster carers Barb and Terry O’Donnell have changed more nappies and helped with more first steps and first words than most parents.

The Hoppers Crossing couple have given shelter to more than 100 youngsters over the 26 years they have been opening their doors and making beds up for children needing a home.

Their household includes two biological children, three others in their permanent care, and any other foster children who need help, whether it be for a night, two months or three years, as space permits.

Over the years, the pair have earned the nickname “baby carers” from Anglicare in Yarraville, because taking in babies is their speciality.

“We wanted to have more kids but decided it would be nicer to take in kids who need help,” Ms O’Donnell said. “Once they come into my care, as far as I’m concerned, they stay here until they’re going home or they’re going to permanent care or adoption.

“I love the pre-adopts, they’re my favourite, because there are people who can’t have their own children, and to see them with their [adoptive] baby for the first time is priceless.”

It’s not all fun and games. Ms O’Donnell admits it’s a tough job, but a rewarding one.

“Seeing the development of the child, watching them grow, is extremely gratifying.

“It can be sad [saying goodbye to the children], but if it’s a happy sad, that’s fine … all of the kids have a place in your heart.”

Foster Parents Week starts September 14, and Anglicare Yarraville needs more foster carers across the west for short and long-term care.

Call Liesl Trenfield on 9396 7403 or email