Free health program

Past Hobsons Bay Sons of the west participant John Petersen. (Damjan Janevski) 320910_01

Men living in Hobsons Bay are being encouraged to sign up for health program, Sons of the West, with places still available in Laverton and Newport.

More than just an exercise program, the free 10-week program is an all-round program to improve men’s mental and physical health and wellbeing.

It is open to men who live, work or play in Hobsons Bay and includes a series of workshops, presentations and healthy activities.

The Newport group meets every Tuesday night at Newport Community Hub starting March 7, while the Laverton group meets on Thursday nights at Laverton Community Hub starting March 9.

Sons of the West is an initiative of the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation, delivered in partnership with Hobsons Bay council.

Past Hobsons Bay Sons of the West participant John Petersen said the program helped him get out of the house for the first time in seven years.

“It was an opportunity to learn something new and meet new people,“ he said.

“It was a safe place, there was always lots of encouragement. One of the lectures we had led me to join the Heart Foundation walking group in Hobsons Bay, which I’ve been a part of for three years now.

“Sons of the West has really shaped me into the person I am today. Before I started, I did nothing, I saw no one. Now I’m in demand! I’m just having fun with life now.”

Mayor Tony Briffa said the proram has helped so many men in the community over the past decade.

“As we know, it can be difficult getting men to look after their health, whether that’s physical or mental, and Sons of the West is a great way to break down those barriers,“ Cr Briffa said.

The Sons of the West program will also be delivered in Maribyrnong at RecWest Footscray on Tuesday nights starting March 7 and Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre on Thursday nights starting March 9.
