Free kinder on the horizon

Russell Court Kindergarten educator Shirin Hasseini with 5-year-old Sofia. (Damjan Janevski) 351276_01

Next year, Hobsons Bay families will be able to access free kinder sessions at Russell Court Kindergarten in Altona Meadows.

Administrator Marie Hinky said the centre will offer free 15 hour a week sessions, in both three and and four year old age groups.

“It’s being done with all kindergartens so we are excited for our centre to experience the sessions,” she said.

Ms Hinky said this year is the first time they have offered the program for two different age groups, to entice families to use their services.

“Enrolments in this area are low, the purpose of these free sessions is to get our name out there.”

Russel Court Kindergarten is home to a veggie patch, community pantry and community library, which the team are very proud of.

“We are very much community based, any one from the community can access these facilities at any time.”

Ms Hinky said children who attend Russell Court will be able to enjoy multiple play areas including a sensory garden.

“One of our short term goals is to incorporate a sensory garden into our kindergarten program,” she said.

“We want it to be a space the kids can go to and play in nature.”

The staff have all been very excited that past students are now returning with their own kids.

“Most of our staff have been working here for a long time, now we are starting to see the next generation of kids coming through which is lovely to see,” she said.

“We have an open day coming up on October 28 , we hope potential families will come see us and get to know our centre.”

Jennifer Pittorino