Fresh look at residential zones

The broad application of three storey zones in Altona was a major complaint. Photo: Supplied

By Goya Dmytryshchak

Hobsons Bay council is redrafting residential zones enabling development of more than four storeys in some neighbourhoods after receiving 57 submissions.

As reported by Star Weekly in September, the council must implement new zones, as directed by the state government, to manage residential growth.

Three proposed zones are: neighbourhood residential zone with a two storey limit; general residential zone (GRZ) capped at three storeys; and residential growth zone (RGZ) with a discretionary height of four storeys.

Last week’s council meeting heard the main submission concerns were three-storey developments in Altona, four-storey developments in Newport and, conversely, underdevelopment in Altona, Altona North, South Kingsville and Altona Meadows.

A report tabled at the meeting stated that submitters generally understood the reasons for concentrating residential growth in and around Altona’s Pier Street major activity centre, but felt the three-storey zone had been too widely applied.

“There is a concern that the widespread application of the GRZ will result in too many three-storey apartments and townhouses, which may impact the village feel of Altona, further exacerbate the perceived parking and traffic congestion issues, and put further strain on the drainage and sewerage infrastructure,” the report stated.

Many submitters were concerned about a proposed RGZ in Newport’s Durkin, Mirls and Derwent streets.

“Submitters believe that this location is not suited to higher-density development due to the heritage properties, neighbourhood character, narrow streets, and parking issues,” the officer’s report stated.

Council officers will amend the residential zones, after which people will have another chance to provide feedback.

Hobsons Bay’s population is expected to grow from 95,395 to 112,462 by 2036.