Have a say on tourism

Residents, businesses and visitors are invited to help shape Hobsons Bay’s tourism strategy for the next five years.

Hobsons Bay council said tourism is a major contributor to the Hobsons Bay economy, generating more than $388 million annually and supporting more than 2,400 local jobs.

Council will soon be updating its tourism strategy, which shapes the local visitor economy.

It will guide how council supports existing businesses and how it can strengthen the tourism economy.

According to the council, a thriving tourist economy enriches the community, boosts the local economy, creates jobs and generates local business income.

Feedback from the community will help identify priorities for developing tourism assets and to understand how tourism impacts Hobsons Bay.

Community consultation is open until Sunday, November 12.

Mayor Tony Briffa said council would like to hear from as many people as possible.

“We have a beautiful, diverse city that has so much to offer visitors, and this consultation is a great chance for people to have their say on what they think makes Hobsons Bay a great place to visit.

“The strategy that guided us over the past five years has delivered great results, including the Heritage Walking Tours and Capture Hobsons Bay Photography Tour, as well as continued promotion of the Experience Hobsons Bay brand.

Details: participate.hobsobsbay.vic.gov.au.