Help Teddy get to Bosnia

Teddy Kaing needs help to go to Bosnia to compete in the world Taekwondo championships. (Damjan Janevski) 353028_01

Braybrook athlete Theodore ‘Teddy’ Kaing has been selected to represent Australia at the 2023 Cadet World Taekwondo Championships in Bosnia this August.

Teddy’s father David said his journey is nothing short of inspiring.

“Teddy started winning multiple Victorian state selections at eight-years-old, as well as National Championships.

“Teddy’s dedication, talent, and spirit have led him to secure a spot on the Australian National Taekwondo team, however attending the world championships requires Teddy to self-fund his way there.

“… So we have set up a fundraising campaign to assist him with this endeavour.”

Teddy said he has been consistently involved in the sport since he was seven and has loved it the whole time.

“When I was seven I became the state champion, I really liked getting that title.”

Teddy has been overseas once before to Japan for a holiday, but this is the first time he will go overseas for his talent.

“I am so excited, and I am feeling really confident like I am going to win.

“I can’t wait to compete, I love the excitement and the tension that gets released when you fight.

“One day I hope to go to the Olympics, so I am going to keep driving to get there.”

Teddy practices five days a week at Notorious Martial Arts and attends the Maribyrnong Sports Academy.

David said Taekwondo is a very niche sport , which is not funded for a child at such a young level.

“Everything is self funded by Teddy so it doesn’t matter how much anyone puts in, any kind of support will help Teddy get to Bosnia.”

Jennifer Pittorino